These links are intended to provide useful information. If you would like to suggest additional links please contact us.
A digital version of Doug Tuttle’s book, The Cottages of York Harbor, Maine
A link to the author’s website
Unknown History of York

These articles appeared in the York Weekly and have been saved by Peter Moore. Peter Moore and John Bardwell both contributed to this column. This collection will be growing so check back often. Last updated January 27, 2024.

Seeking the truth of York’s only sculptured war monument
Information was gathered from York Town Reports, Public documents and private sources. The transcription was taken from the Soldiers’ Monument Authorization for Expenditures (afe) ledger.
This war monument research project is dedicated to America’s past, present and future military veterans.
Michael A. Dow 2018
Slaves and Free Blacks in Mid-Eighteenth to Mid-Nineteenth Century Cape Neddick, Maine
Bryan C. Weare
Check out our Youtube Channel
York Maine Town Hall Clerk Book I 1646-1726
View video for helpful information
Trouble to the eastward: the failure of Anglo-Indian relations in early Maine
Emerson W. Baker
College of William & Mary – Arts & Sciences
York Harbor Maine
Author: The Village Corporation of York Harbor